Thursday, October 22, 2009

Trinidad: supra lingna putrida et folia emorta

Hi! I don't know about you out there but the name of the plant Candy found does not sound like something anyone would want to grow. I took one year of Latin and found it easy because so many of the Latin based words were so close to familiar English words. I will try to look these up . Or is it Spanish? Putrid is obvious and amort means deathlike or to the death. Maybe of French origin. Hmmmm. The plant that Candy found looks very much like The Plant. The simplicity and form are consistent with what I have seen. It is difficult to tell if the single strand emerging from the center is hair-like or not. If this is not IT this is The Plants sister. I am awestruck by Candy's find.

Where to go from here. I will call the universities again. This time with a name and then see where they can lead me. That I will do tomorrow. WOW is all I can say. Candy you are so good. I have gotten IRUS B, Seneca, sargassum, and nucleopeptide chains. Emortas and Argenta or Sargenta are certain in their importance. The importance of the others remains to be seen--except for the nucleopeptide chains---that was so strong including a picture of maybe an Indian as from India or somewhere who had khol around his eyes and had black curly hair and a shawl of red and black.

Tomorrow I am sending a cutting from the plant of the hair to Sunny. She has the infamous hair growing on her and has a microscope so she can compare the hair.

All of you out there are so wonderful =====encouraging me , giving me tips and information. Together we will find this so simple cure for our loved ones and for ourselves and for the thousands who are suffering-------- especially the children. I thank you all and I am not forgetting you Jess for telling me what I suspected about the Evil plant living on and on.

In tears as usual of thankfulness, desperation and hope. I love you all.

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