Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Court and Spark

Today my sweet darling friend and (step)mother to my two sons gave me a ride to the courthouse in Sacramento so I could surrender my house and absolve all of my debts because I have been too sick to work for way too long. We both cried. I will probably have to be homelss because in good conscience can not live with someone else if I can not find out how ya get this thing. I can't work. I make $1264 a month on disability. If I have to get a shopping cart and go into the street I will last a month or two. I pray to God to take me home tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Jeanne, I’m so sorry to read about your pain and troubles, I wish I could say something helpful. I’m sure that the answer to this mystery is just around the corner. There are so many others contacting all sorts of people in the medical/science field and doing a lot of the research work on it themselves too. I’m convinced we’re getting closer to the answer every day.

    With regards to how one catches the disease...I’ve been thinking…as there are families where some members catch it and some don’t, it is clear that those that don’t catch it have some kind of immune mechanism working for them. What if there was a parallel research done on the family members that didn’t catch it? What do all these people have in common that protects them from Morgellons? Perhaps approaching the research from this angle might turn up some unexpected clues.

    I live in Israel and we are quite big on innovative medical inventions and breakthroughs - our medical equipment and medications are saving lives all over the world. I thought perhaps I could get one of our universities to take on the challenge but two things hold me back. As far as I can tell there doesn’t seem to be any groups or organizations for Morgellons sufferers here, and although my Hebrew is not very good I couldn’t find anyone on the internet blogging about it in Hebrew either. Either there aren’t many sufferers here or there are all keeping quiet about it. The second reason may sound ridiculous to you, but it is a very real consideration. Anti-Semitism has been going on throughout the world for centuries, and during “peaks” there is an increase of blood libels. Jews are blamed for everything from poising wells to being behind 9/11. We are reaching a new global peak now, especially in Europe with a new form of anti-Semitism that is disguised as “politically-correct” anti Israel. If our Jewish Israeli doctors/scientists find a cure for Morgellons, people would say that was “proof” that the Jews were the ones who gave it to the world in the first place! Only recently a major Swedish daily newspaper had a big feature article accusing the Israeli army of killing Palestinians to harvest and sell their organs!

    I guess I’m rambling because I feel so useless and helpless in the face of what you are going through. Jeanne, I can’t begin to imagine how you feel, I only know that I feel for you, and am with you from here.

