Thursday, September 24, 2009

lonely teardrops----(hi, jess)

A bad day for me today. I know I swore off doctors because in contacting them---tropical medicine docs and labs ---most are not even remotely interested----the mailaway parasitic labs only want to look at your pooh and could care less about your skin. The one doctor who happened to pick up the phone decided that I have pathological dermatitis and should go see another dermatologist . I challenged him, got him curious, sent him a picture of the plant and then I lost it with him in the back and forth e-mailings ending with calling myself a retard and saying DOYOUWANNABESTICKYALLTHETIME? I have a doctor. Why is this doctor not trying to find out what is causing plant material to show up in my skin samples? She saw the goldarn thing. So I put in a call and it was really nice because the receptionist composed a very calm and succinct message. Dr. Bagheri called me the next day--yesterday. Good news--she said she believed me---- that weird stuff was coming out of my skin---- said that my immune system was strong--no aids--no HIV--no cancer--hormones all OK--vitamins goodblahblah--and then gave the analogy that no matter how healthy you are if you are EXPOSED to cholera you are going to get cholera. Bad news---she wanted me to take the celexas she had prescribed because I might be scratching in the night and then the plant material could enter compromised skin. I was so proud of myself because I said--Good theory--and let it ride. What be de point? I cannot take drugs because my body reacts in very unpredictable ways. Old story but a good one. My son is 1and 1/2. I am having trouble losing the last 5 pounds. I take him to play with Marissa ---same age---up the street and Cathy tells me she has been taking diet pills --did I want to try one? OK. I take it, put Alexander down for his nap and immediately fall into a stupor--not my usual thing. I awake with an overwhelming desire to make cookies and then have to eat most of the dough before baking . Not good, pumpkin. My guess is that I would commit suicide if I took that thing. I have been working, I just haven't been writing. On Monday I sent in a "reportapest report" to the State. Complete with picture and a request for direction to a taxonomist, lab, botanist or plant biologist if for some reason the state was unable to identify the plant. Tonight I e-mailed Obama. He is for the underdog therefore he is for me and us. There is someone in the world who knows what this plant is and the remedy. I will find them.

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