Monday, August 31, 2009


I have not been able to do very much with my hands for the last 6 months because all the seeds were in growing mode, got too big for the skin to contain them and started bursting out---what is refered to in this modality as "lesions". But, oh whoa, it is not just exactly the seeds in the packets it is also the seeds on the ropes. In the spring they all grow. All of the elements of this propagation are going on all the time but growing season is the worst. Last year I almost died. I was covered with it all. When I took a bath there was a black ring from the spores-seeds. Then the cotton balls came out in the bath----looked like dandylion seeds in the bath water. Just like an algae float. I was so sticky everything I touched was covered by a waxy residue. I could not wear clothes that touched my body due to pain and itch. I was so weak I could not drive 4 blocks to the nearest store without having to sit in the car for ten minutes to rest up. If there were more than 3 people in line I would just have to leave. I have been Queen of Denial or Swedish Stoic all my life and in this situation it could no longer work. The pan handlers outside of 7-11(my grocery store--prices better than standard even if choices are fewer)--started saying God Bless you sister instead of asking me for a handout. Oliver, my youngest son, was in Italy at the time and picked up that I was close to death and told me that he knew. I knew that my body was almost too poisoned to stay in it. I was not ready to go. My affairs were not in order. You know how it is to die. The container of flesh becomes too small and you start expanding out of it. I felt that and said I am not ready. So here I am today cleaning my floor with ammonia because my hands are usable(I am not saying not without lesions but they are on the palms of my hands and the backs of my fingers and I can use them) and then see the plant everywhere. I sprayed a solution of ammonia on the hardwood floor and noticed it bubbling up. Weird. I looked closer and saw the wax melt and only fibers and hair were left. I have been living with this thing for a year and a half and know all of its characteristics. It is very straightforeward and simple. This plant is trying to propagate itself everywhere; so does every other plant, mold, bacteria, (and man)etc. So I am not in wonderment or criticism here, my main concern is how do you get this thing to live on you? I am terrified to be around anyone for fear that they may get it from me or my house. No one should get this thing, not even Hitler. I am still alone with no answers because who wants to talk to a nobody--perhaps a crazy person--or someone who is going to blow their shaft. I don't know. I feel sad tonight--not hopeless but sad. Anyway it seemed that the fairly week solution of ammonia that I used for cleaning had a curative effect on my skin so I put it on my head. We who are suffering will try anything.

1 comment:

  1. Jeanne, this reply is eleven years late.. But how are you? I can sympathise as I also have this illness. I wish I'd seen your post earlier.
