Friday, August 28, 2009

there is a fungus among us...

Will any azole do? Thanks to Candy who gave me I spent many hours last night reading case studies of people who have had weird fungus infections and invariably something that ended in zole was prescribed and had a curative effect. When I went to UC Davis I showed the Doctor my tube of Clotrimazole, available at any drug store, and she said it would not hurt me. Too many questions left unanswered, too many things left unknown.. I also went online to sign up for Oprah and just ended up sending her a link to a video that my nephew made who is in the Army in Afghanistan. I can't go anywhere--someone might get this from me. I don't know.

1 comment:

  1. Stop searching for the cause and get working on becoming symptom free ... You'll never identify it ...
