For a day set aside to remind us of one of the most powerful attitudes we can have.
For LOVE that is everywhere.
For extreme times of testing that will melt ones ego like the wax face in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
For the good times.
For the bad times.
For everything.
For the evil poisonous plant whose presence has stipped us bare.
For LOVE that is everywhere.
For extreme times of testing that will melt ones ego like the wax face in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
For the good times.
For the bad times.
For everything.
For the evil poisonous plant whose presence has stipped us bare.
For Randy Wymore who said YES--I will be sending him samples including the plant and will be speaking to him next week.
For Lyndon Lafferty who has a friend in charge of the forensics lab in Costra County and can test the DNA of the plant.
For Sunny Simmons a behind the scenes Saint.
For Candy with her encouraging ways and sleuthing expertise.
For all fellow sufferers lending validation and support.
For my family and friends.