Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The King must die

Seeds-Spores===Spores-Seeds. What will kill them or at least make it impossible for them to germinate? We know from Chauncy Gardener that if the roots are undisturbed the plant will come back in the Spring. How to kill the roots? Any of you out there trying Roundup in your petri dishes? I am thinking about trying it on all the plants that are making themselves at home in mine. No proof though. All supposition. But we can't help it can we?

Another one----guess I mean. A couple of months ago I had a vision of a pygmie woman, ancient and wise, who told me to boil the leaf of what I thought was the cacao plant--I didn't hear it well===something like cocoa or caco or cocao or coca==use the leaves as a poultice and drink the tea. It is the coca plant now I am pretty sure. Well I am sure enough to try it anyway. I looked it up last night and the leaves are available from Peru and Bolivia. Directions ?----Simmer the leaves to make tea---and what is left are simmered leaves for the poultice. As soon as I get some bucks I am going to order the leaves. Check it out. It is probably not the cacao leaves because they are used to make insect repellent for vegetable plants. You know for tomato worms and such. The leaves are ground up and boiled, various things are added specific to each insect or pest and the warning is given not to get it on your skin. Even just the plain liquid from boiling the ground leaves. Who knows though--maybe we need that too. Sooooo---I am going to give the Coca leaf a shot. Anyone with me? Can't hurt!!

We know that most plants thrive in alkaline soil. Being alkaline will help our bodies be more healthy but it won't kill the plant. Maybe the plant will just be happier and healthier in our skin the more alkaline we are. An even trade i say but no cure.
who knows? NO ONE. And therein lies the trouble.

Still waiting to hear from Randy Wymore.

Still waiting for money so I can try the coca leaf remedy.

Keep the faith. God is with us all. LOVE and prayers to all of you

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Similar to anectine--paralyzes you. Used on arrows or darts to paralyze the foe. Composed of Menisprermacae (Moonseed)
Chondrodendron tomentosum and
Strychnos toxifera
the woody vines and roots boiled and reduced to a black sticky goo. Used by South American Indians. The Amazon. The Rain Forest.

Check out this study from the University of Arizona http://articlesofhealth.blogspot.com/2009/09/pleomorphic-nature-of-morgellons.html Do you just not love the white fiber balls and the hair? If you read well you will notice the black oily substance left at the end of the day. I am not saying it is Curare but if two plants can do it so can another. Think about it. This thing makes us sleepy and sometimes unable to put one foot in front of the other, jangles our brains and makes us feel sick. Poison. Of some sort.
Also the conclusion is that the proteins are not human. The "number" they speak of is between 30&40. I am betting on 38. Mark my words.

Still on the plant subject. I went into my son's bedroom that he vacated three months ago to look for change. (I am so broke) I noticed a "play bill" from the Edwardian Ball he attended several months before he graduated from college and moved out. Something caught my eye. I picked it up and noticed three plants in their beginning stages growing on it. The coiled hair as well as the hair with the white fibers attached at intervals growing happily. All the bits and pieces. I wrapped it up and will send it to Randy Wymore. Compare and contrast.

The title is an homage to my son Alex who at Christmastime when he was two and rhyming everything said in response to me introducing his uncles, "Uncle Jim--VITAMIN!" and "Uncle Bruce--RED CABOOSE". A mom I am....so anyway the bad rhyme at top.

Volare--in Spanish means I WILL FLY.
And I will and so will you.
I have accepted the fact of this affliction and am no longer resisting the current truth that my life has changed. I am no longer saying it is for the worse. I am just saying it is all different now. I was dealt the Mogellon card and I accept that. Now only what to do with it.

Ah So.

Randy is most likely busy with semester end finals and paperwork. School will be out for the holidays and maybe he will have some time to speak with me. I will try to be understanding and patient.

Love to all.