Thursday, October 29, 2009

In the eye of the public

Just a quick update here. I am happy that I didn't have to go on the cross or the wooden bed. I forgot the part where I was going to wrap myself in white sheets and then cheese cloth like a mummy. If I was well it would be easier to do it all. Demonstrate I mean. Praise be to God. Tony from the local paper called me yesterday, set up an appointment for further information on Monday. He wants a picture of me in front of my house as well as pix of the plant and fiber balls. I hate the limelight for all reasons. Makes me want to cry. Yet it seems I keep getting into it. And now for the ickyest creepiest thing---the Plant. ( That was my ego talking there. I know that any exposure this condition gets will benefit all. ) The thing that is the most frustrating to me is that this is an infestation. It is not that the body itself has gone awry like cancer or worn out organs It is a parasitic plant complete with its own propagating friends that have so many components similar to the human body it feels welcome and can hide for a long time before raising its distructive head. Hopefully the exposure will bring in some help. Tony wants to do a front page Sunday edition feature article.

As for me the eviction process is about to begin. Looks like three months so I have some time. The mediator for the bank is wonderful. A Denzel Washington type--clear-grounded-sympathetic-businesslike-personable-strong. He offered me keyes for cash-----out in 30 days and $3,000. Got nowhere to go. Can't work. Not enough income to go anywhere anyway. How long will disability last? Then what? I can't even go to a homeless shelter cuz I might give it to them. It is the wall that I hit every time I think of any kind of a future. So I can't think of the future. I know I am with God and everything will work out for His best.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Same old thing

Well, well, well------Sunny and I have been busy. I cut off a part of the stick and a piece of the what looks like hair from the plant as well as a what I call a seed pod but is the stuff surrounded by cottony looking fibers. She has a microscope and has been looking at these things for years. It is all the same thing====meaning, , what grew as a plant on my bedsheet is the same thing as the fiber balls that come out of my skin and the skin of many many others who have the same symptoms. She sent me pictures. It really creeped me out. I am kind of OK now, not quite fascinated but interested. Now there is no doubt. Someone must know about this. Where are they? Randy is held up by lack of funds.

I made contact with a Mexican friend--Israel--who works at the gas station near my house last week and asked if he knew any local healers from Mexico or South America. He said he knew of a man and would try to look him up. I spoke with him today and Israel said he couldn't find him--doesn't live there anymore--but said he would ask around to find someone else.

I had the idea last night of building a cross and hanging myself on it with rope in my front yard to get attention---stop eating-=whatever. Or maybe taking a wooden bed out into my front yard and just staying on that. We need help. We as the ones suffering are doing more to try to solve this than anyone else. We are ill equipped novices. We need help.

At least we know what it is. More prayer is needed.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Trinidad: supra lingna putrida et folia emorta

Hi! I don't know about you out there but the name of the plant Candy found does not sound like something anyone would want to grow. I took one year of Latin and found it easy because so many of the Latin based words were so close to familiar English words. I will try to look these up . Or is it Spanish? Putrid is obvious and amort means deathlike or to the death. Maybe of French origin. Hmmmm. The plant that Candy found looks very much like The Plant. The simplicity and form are consistent with what I have seen. It is difficult to tell if the single strand emerging from the center is hair-like or not. If this is not IT this is The Plants sister. I am awestruck by Candy's find.

Where to go from here. I will call the universities again. This time with a name and then see where they can lead me. That I will do tomorrow. WOW is all I can say. Candy you are so good. I have gotten IRUS B, Seneca, sargassum, and nucleopeptide chains. Emortas and Argenta or Sargenta are certain in their importance. The importance of the others remains to be seen--except for the nucleopeptide chains---that was so strong including a picture of maybe an Indian as from India or somewhere who had khol around his eyes and had black curly hair and a shawl of red and black.

Tomorrow I am sending a cutting from the plant of the hair to Sunny. She has the infamous hair growing on her and has a microscope so she can compare the hair.

All of you out there are so wonderful =====encouraging me , giving me tips and information. Together we will find this so simple cure for our loved ones and for ourselves and for the thousands who are suffering-------- especially the children. I thank you all and I am not forgetting you Jess for telling me what I suspected about the Evil plant living on and on.

In tears as usual of thankfulness, desperation and hope. I love you all.

Monday, October 19, 2009

We will overcome...

Candy you are so amazing. I have been trying the links you sent me for quite some time and to no avail. I will keep trying. We are hot on the trail. The picture of the plant is found where my picture should be--where it says profile. That is it. It is blurry because the plant is about the size of a thumbnail. I made an enlarged copy on my copy machine and a friend took a picture of it and then I put it on my computer. Does it compare to what you have seen? Thank you so very much. As you know the other word was Argenta or sargenta or S Argenta.

I am going to Home Depot tomorrow because you can get a mold analysis for ten bucks. Whatever it is something.

Have not heard from Tony Burchyns (the reporter)but will call him tomorrow.

The only purpose in my life is to get to the bottom of this.
I love all of you and my prayers are always with you.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Prove me wrong I beg you

Candy you are so wonderful for connecting me to the NMO and Sunny a true friend who has been suffering from this abomination for 8 years. A couple of months ago I found the same thing that you wrote on the blog--the same Abstract. My take was well that is not the plant. But the fact that plant materials can show up on human skin should make researchers aware that it is a possibility.

I e-mailed Randy Wymore about the plant. Have not heard back so far. As far as I know Tony still wants to do a story. I e-mailed a letter Randy Wymore wrote 7-19-09 to him which was very clear and powerful--defining symptoms and concluding the fact that there is no known cause, treatment or cure. If THEY had it they would be running balls ass to find the goldarn cause and cure. Now the thing here is that I actually know the cause. Yes I do . Can I get anyone to listen? Can I find any way to figure this thing out? NO! Oh for goodness sake who am I? Not a scientist. I have said this before.

He showed me the plant in a meditation. I drew it. 6/4/09 I was told the name==Emortas phonetic spelling most likely.

6/15/09 I found the plant growing on my bedsheet--ya know, how it would look if it was not growing on and in your freeking skin-body. You know, all of you, the fibers that come out and the little bally cotton things filled with black or red or greenish blue specks to the common eye that seem to be enwrapped with cotton. How about the hair? Talk to me here. Yes we are all sick. So now that it is October is the sticky stuff abating? The pollen that attracts bees and ants and other bugs is not being produced now. The plant is going dormant. We will all feel better for a few months. Don't lay low. The spore pockets are alive and well and are just waiting for the right time--their time to produce more of themselves---unfortunately we can not use Roundup-------bad for the nervous systom. How about a harmless natural cure? Like a poultice of cacao leaf and a drink of the tea?

I will not give up. I saw the children in a meditation yesterday. I personally have done and experienced every thing I have wanted to do except win the lottery. So let us go, pumpkins.
It all be for you.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Blessings be upon all of you. The will of God be done. God is love. Gloria in Excelsis Deo.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Solitary Solipsism

A definitive redundancy definately. In fact it is illogical from the get go . Oh wait a minute--def of solipsism--- (a) the theory that the self can be aware of nothing but its own experiences and states. And therein lies the problem.

Today I took the outward expression of the organism that grows hair to the Department of Agriculture in Sacramento and both Beth and the really nice gay guy I forget his name Greg or Craig or maybe Clark but I really dont know, could not help me. I was prepared for smirks and unwillingness to help. Oh for goodness sake HOW could I have ever thought that they could identify a plant that is common in Argentina? I don't think so. They will see. As all will see, that this is a simple solution to a very weird, to us, problem but not to those who know what this organism is. I have changed from talking about the plant as a plant that grows what looks like hair that can live on human skin to referring to Emortas as an organism. Emortas. The wax that makes the skin look as if the person was dead. You know the Death Pallor or pallor or paller or anyotherspelling. Oh how PC--which by the way is a very weak stance and usually untrue.

And you knew that anyway.

So my next step is to try to find a forensic scientist who has a lab and can do DNA testing on the org as well as the stuffIhavefreekygrowing in my houseonmyfloor and on the strips of tape hanging off of my beautiful antique Swedish inspired raw pine solid wood bookcase filled with worthy books. If I allow myself to think of this I will cry.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


The reporter from the Vallejo Times-Herald has, it seems, blown me off. Tony Burchyn said he would call me yesterday and he did not. I am really tired and just want to go to sleep for ever. Good Night hopefully forever. Oh my dream come true. What more can I do? No one listens no one cares just get me outaherepleasegod can not I be done ? Whatchawantfromme? I am so sick and so tired. Get me out of here. My plea and prayer. I love all of you who are in this horrific thing and my prayers are with all of you. Maybe I can go home tonight.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I have a dream---

That all of us who are suffering will be healed. I contacted Tony, a reporter for the local newspaper, and he is interested in the story of the hair growing plant that infests bodies of people who are afflicted with what is called Morgellons. Please pray to God that His will be done in this circumstance. Gloria in Excelsis Deo!!!